Elastic app search(Self-managed) and bonsai.io integration

I have an Elastic cluster on bonsai.io, I want to use it to work with elastic app search locally on my computer. In app-search.yaml I added elasticsearch.host, elasticsearch.username and elasticsearch.password, but when I run bin / app-search I get an error:

"Elasticsearch cluster must be licensed. OSS versions of Elasticsearch do not contain a supported license. Please download and run an Elasticsearch binary from Download Elasticsearch | Elastic to acquire a free, Basic license."

Has anyone encountered a similar error or knows how to fix it

@111249 I believe the problem is that the version of Elasticsearch running on bonsai.io must be an Open Source distribution. You'd need to be running against a copy of Elasticsearch with at least a free Basic license: https://www.elastic.co/subscriptions.

You could consider self hosting your Elasticsearch, or using an instance on Elastic Cloud: https://www.elastic.co/cloud/.

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