Elastic Search API queries for index logs

We are using EFK as log management for our application. I am playing with API of elastic search, while doing this I have few queries to get clarify.

getting output with index with storage values.

health status index uuid pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size pri.store.size
green open logstash-2020.03.12 fzXE4jkNRVuR1vY8gsH1Wg 5 1 5238124 0 4338693519 2166930857
green open logstash-2020.06.18 ZceKU56oR8KyeGi3KnkvnQ 5 1 1271373 0 1697783610 846840406
green open logstash-2020.06.14 eRaq5zD1SjC8hK4XaxzQ0Q 5 1 1827761 0 1587567406 793896413
green open logstash-2020.06.17 oKwkLkO_S_ePoQGQw4wZRQ 5 1 1087704 0 1400759550 700349818

How extract the each index?
**I am using with curl request below **

But i am not able to getting the full data which it is actually stored in index "logstash-2020.06.14",

Is there any way to GET the index data?

By default you will get only 10 documents
you can supply size parameter to retrieve more

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@ylasri Thanks for your response.
Now understand to get this data, kindly share any links if you have any for more optimization with dates or size i can use it API and also for my research.

Check these link that may help :

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