Elastic search stats to Kibana


I have a working elastic search on my server and i was checking to use Kibana for search stats but i am not sure if i must use also logstash to get this work...

Any tutorials?

Thank you

You do not need logstash unless you want to use logstash for ingestion of event data.
We have beats which also send event data to Elasticsearch.

See here for a webinar on kibana. https://www.elastic.co/webinars/getting-started-kibana

You will need to PUT some data into Elasticsearch before you can visually explore it, yes.

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Thanks for your reply !

I don't need event data at the moment so i will go ahead with the elastic search and kibana direct integration...

Any sample or info for the PUT data that i will need to provide?

What do you want to use Elasticsearch for?


I am using it at my Invision forum to provide search for my users and is working great and i just want to get some visualization for it....

Ok i install Kibana and i connect it with elastic search and it was automatically detect my index name and i got the data imported with no issues but don't know now how to visualize them .....

You had all the resources there in our docs.

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