Elastic Study Material


I have done the elasticsearch engineer 1 and 2 training and I am planning on doing it again this year to refresh my memory. I will attempt the exams as well. My question is: Is there any study material that can give me a good solid foundation preparing and going into the exam?


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If you attempted the training eng1 and eng2 already you should have the material of the training (the PDF). My suggestion will be to work on the PDF, prepare questions about things you have not understood or are not sure about, and ask those questions to your instructors during the training that you are going to take.

The trainings are the best way to prepare for the certification, except the trainings I would say practice helps a lot. Doing a fun project using Elasticsearch will be as well one of my recommendation, some ideas could be: building a web scrapper for a website with a poor search feature and build your own search engine on top of their data, use a dataset from Kaggle and do analytics on it using aggregations and searches, break your Elasticsearch cluster and try to fix it.


Thanks Melvyn

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