Elasticsearch-head cannot connect through ssh tunnel


While I can connect to a remote ES instance through an ssh tunnel and confirm via Postman, I am unable to do so via the plugin, which has no problem connecting to local ES instance.

What to configure?


I assume you to have installed the head plugin first using the below command for your current elastic version: elasticsearch/bin/plugin install mobz/elasticsearch-head . Then open the browser and use the url: http://remoteIp:portno/_plugin/head (eg:localhost:9200/_plugin/head) which will connect the plugin to the ES instance running.

No. This is not valid anymore. Elasticsearch does not support site plugins for a long time.


I have installed elasticsearch-head as the standalone as per new instructions and it, too, has no issues connecting to local instance but is unable to connect through ssh tunnel, though postman can. Perhaps some other configuration?


Yeah. I meant to answer to @arvind actually.

I don't have a solution for your case. Sorry. May be someone else knows how SSH tunnels works with elasticsearch.

I bet you, you need to allow cors (see documentation)

Good pt - will verify that this is set on remote instance.

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