Elasticsearch is not working after x-pack installation

I'm trying to add monitoring to logstash
I have elasticsearch,logstash and kibana installed on one server (version 5.5).
I installed x-pack on logstash and since then i cannot start elasticsearch.
After that I installed x-pack also on elasticsearch (should I ? ) and i got error :
[ERROR][o.e.x.m.e.l.LocalExporter] failed to set monitoring pipeline [xpack_monitoring_6]
org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.ProcessClusterEventTimeoutException: failed to process cluster event (put-pipeline-xpack_monitoring_6) within 30s

should x-pack be installed on elasticsearch and kibana as well if i want to monitor only logstash ?
If yes, what am i missing ?
If no, why elasticseach not start after the installation ?
i got error :
Unable to connect to Elasticsearch at http://localhost:9200.

thanks for you help

update :
i removed the xpack installation from elasticsearch and it is working now
but i don't have xpack configuration in logstash.yml after the installation.
why is that ?

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