Elasticsearch too_many_requests disk usage exceeded flood-stage watermark


I've installed elasticsearch and kibana on a virtual Ubuntu Server and I'm pretty sure I do not have enough space on my virtual disk.
I'm running on VSphere and I tried to add disk space but it doesn't extend elk's disk, it creates a new disk.
Do someone know how to swap all datas on my new disk or extend old disk with a new partition or something like that ?
Kibana isn't reachable on browser

Hi @LilBaloche

Yeah you kinda put yourself in a bind....

What version of ELK? SIngle Node?

Can you curl elasticsearch

curl -k -u elastic:password https://elastichostorip:9200/_cat/health

If so perhaps we can work from there ...

First you need to get your cluster / node back to at least yellow.. then you can work on the other stuff.

ctually running on 8.7.0 ELK and yes i'm in a single node.
I've cloned my server and increase his space but now i've taken back my elk and kiban ui, all of my clients have lost connexion..

When I look at status of my beats, i can see "Error fetching data, error determining if connected elasticsearch node is master."
But i disabled master node..

Ok got it, problem was ufw, i just disabled and got back all connexions, ty for helping me


Ok you always have to have a master node... I single node will always be its own master.

You really should leave the node roles alone for a single node

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