ENOTFOUND exception in installing shield in kibana in offline mode!

this type of exception is throwing ,please help me to find my mistake in this

C:\Users\483551\Downloads\kibana-4.5.0-windows\kibana-4.5.0-windows\bin>kibana p
lugin --install shield --url file:///D:\shield\shield-2.3.1.tar.gz
Installing shield
Attempting to transfer from file:///D:\shield\shield-2.3.1.tar.gz
Plugin installation was unsuccessful due to error "No valid url specified."

HI i tried to kept shield-2.3.1.tar.gz in kibana/bin folder and started installing that but got different error like

C:\Users\483551\Downloads\kibana-4.5.0-windows\kibana-4.5.0-windows\bin>kibana p
lugin -i shield -u file:shield-2.3.1.tar.gz
Installing shield
Attempting to transfer from file:shield-2.3.1.tar.gz
Transferring 7844637 bytes....................
Transfer complete
Extracting plugin archive
Extraction complete
Plugin installation was unsuccessful due to error "EPERM: operation not permitte
d, rename 'C:\Users\483551\Downloads\kibana-4.5.0-windows\kibana-4.5.0-windows\i
nstalledPlugins.plugin.installing' -> 'C:\Users\483551\Downloads\kibana-4.5.0-w

Hi i got the solution , i run the same command twice and it is worked