Error Installing Marvel

I am running the ELK stack on windows 7 64 bit.
I am using the latest version of ElasticSearch (version 2.2.1) and I am trying to install marvel plugin but it is throwing some permission error as below

@ WARNING: plugin requires additional permissions @

Continue with installation? [y/N]

What could be the issue ???

How are you installing it?

i am trying the online install using the command

"/bin>plugin install marvel-agent"


The prompt comes from the Java security manager. It's not an error, it's just asking you to confirm that you want to give the plugin the necessary permissions to run in the context of the security manager.

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I wonder if the plugin is installed automatically by script during CI/CD, how can one bypass that prompt?

EDIT: Actually there is a -b option for install command which automatic confirm the security permissions.

./plugin install -h


    -t,--timeout                 Timeout until the plugin download is abort

    -v,--verbose                 Verbose output

    -h,--help                    Shows this message

    -b,--batch                   Enable batch mode explicitly, automatic confirmation of security permissions