I'm looking for advice on how to overcome this error while installing X-Pack for Kibana -
D:\Elastic5.1\kibana-5.1.1-windows-x86>bin\kibana-plugin.bat install file:///C:/Users/admcvartak/Downloads/x-pack-5.1.1.zip
Attempting to transfer from file:///C:/Users/admcvartak/Downloads/x-pack-5.1.1.zip
Attempting to transfer from https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/kibana-plugins/file:///C:/Users/admcvartak/Downloads/x-pack-5.1.1.zip/file:///C:/Users/admcvartak/Downloads/x-pack-5.1.1.zip-5.1.1.zip
Error: Client request error: unable to get local issuer certificate
Plugin installation was unsuccessful due to error "Client request error: unable to get local issuer certificate"
I see the same error when installing directly.
Installing X-Pack for ES was not an issue.