Hello team,
I am unable to install kibana plugin on my local. Can you please help me on this
OS: Windows
Kiban Version: 7.9
Below is the error:
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> cd C:\Users\mangeshsuresh.jadhav\Downloads\EKL\k\kibana-7.9.0-windows-x86_64
PS C:\Users\mangeshsuresh.jadhav\Downloads\EKL\k\kibana-7.9.0-windows-x86_64> .\bin\kibana-plugin install indices-view
Attempting to transfer from indices-view
Attempting to transfer from https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/kibana-plugins/indices-view/indices-view-7.9.0.zip
Error: Client request error: unable to get local issuer certificate
Plugin installation was unsuccessful due to error "Client request error: unable to get local issuer certificate"
PS C:\Users\mangeshsuresh.jadhav\Downloads\EKL\k\kibana-7.9.0-windows-x86_64>