ERROR: Skipping security auto configuration because it appears that the node is not starting up for the first time. The node might already be part of a cluster and this auto setup utility is designed to configure Security for new clusters only

ERROR: Skipping security auto configuration because it appears that the node is not starting up for the first time. The node might already be part of a cluster and this auto setup utility is designed to configure Security for new clusters only., with exit code 80. Please help. Tried removing and reisntalling the rpm package, still showing the error.

Usually this message means what it says - the node has been started before and can no longer be auto-configured.

What problem are you trying to solve?
When you install a node for the first time, security auto-configuration should run (once) and then your node is correctly configured. Did that not happen, or are you trying to change something?

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I am actually trying to start a 3 node elasticsearch cluster where accidently started services in one node before joining the cluster. Kindly tell me how to revert this and do it in auto configuration.

If a node has previously formed a cluster then you need to either:

  1. Delete the data directory, or
  2. Detach the node

in order for it to be able to join a different cluster.

In your case option 1 seems preferable.

WARNING: This will delete everything. Do not do this on a node that has any valuable data in it. This is dangerous. For anyone who is reading this: Before you start typing anything - Stop, take a few breaths, think very carefully about whether you really want to delete everything from your node.

You mentioned you installed from RPM. The directory layout for RPM packages is explained here, and the data directory is /var/lib/elasticsearch. If you delete the contents of that directory (just the contents, not the directory itself), then you will have an empty node. Then you can reconfigure the node to join your existing cluster.

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Thank you very much this really solved my problem. Now its showing another when trying to join the cluster. can you please look this and tell me what is causing the error.

ERROR: Aborting enrolling to cluster. This node doesn't appear to be auto-configured for security. Expected configuration is missing from elasticsearch.yml., with exit code 64.

This happens when reconfigure the node to join the cluster.

And my elasticsearch didn't start with 'https' enabled. I can reach for elasticsearch with only 'http'. Where do i change configurations