I'm using the following command to install ES 2.0 on Ubuntu LTS 14.04:
es_version=2.0.0 && curl -s "https://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/release/org/elasticsearch/distribution/deb/elasticsearch/$es_version/elasticsearch-$es_version.deb" -o elasticsearch-$es_version.deb && sudo dpkg -i elasticsearch-$es_version.deb && sudo update-rc.d elasticsearch defaults 95 10
This used to work before (pre-2.0) but isn't working now. It complains about /usr/share/elasticsearch/config and /usr/share/elasticsearch/log not accessible (which they indeed aren't). I had to manually symlink the /etc and /var paths to the ones ES was expecting:
ln -s /etc/elasticsearch/ /usr/share/elasticsearch/config
ln -s /var/log/elasticsearch/ /usr/share/elasticsearch/logs
In addition, I can't seem to disable swappiness via bootstrap.mlockall: true
- ES will complain even when that is set and even when I edit /etc/security/limits.conf manually and restart the service.
I'm not quite sure what's going on. I know there have been similar issues with paths in the past, has anything changed in 2.0 that could cause this?