Es delete the index and rebuild, but the visualize in kibana shows an exception, can not find the index id, can not be restored

I accidentally deleted the index in es and recreated it again. However, the visualize saved in kibana shows an exception. I deleted the corresponding index in kibana and rebuilt it, but visualize still reports an error.

Could not locate that index-pattern (id: cf21a5d0-b4d6-11e8-9b47-61785a9cca0e), click here to re-create it

How can I fix the corresponding visualize without rebuilding?

Hi @sun_changlong,

I think you can go to Management -> Saved Objects, select your visualization/dasboard/whatever and edit index id in kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON field.


Thanks, I will try. I solved this problem using the Custom index pattern ID in the Create index pattern.

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