ES|QL panel doesn't refresh every n seconds


I'm using ES8.15 and Kibana 8.15 and I've made a dashboard containing a single ES|QL panel which contains this query:

FROM myIndex
| WHERE message.keyword RLIKE ".*[Ee][Rr][Rr][Oo][Rr].*"
| EVAL Time = date_format ("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", @timestamp+1hour)
| EVAL Message = to_string (message.keyword)
| KEEP Time, Message

This query works fine. However, I've set "Refresh every" to 10 seconds at the dashboard level, but this panel is not refreshing.

Is this a limitation of the ES|QL panel? Or a bug? Or am I doing something wrong?

Pity, ES|QL doesn't support timezones...

Kind regards, Edgar Matzinger.

Hi @edgarmat1964 ,

there's no current limitation of the refresh interval for ES|QL panels.
If you think that is a bug please log one with reproducing steps here: GitHub · Where software is built

Hi Marco,

thank you for your response. However, the link you provided is dead.

Regards, Edgar.

Yesterday an issue happened to the Kibana github repository.
The issue has been resolved and today it works.