data: {
url: {
// %context%: true
// %timefield%: timestamp
// current voltage (bem_ubdm) BEM_UBDM
// target voltage (bem_ugensoll) BEM_UGenSoll
index: alias1
body: {
"_source": ["timestamp", "value", "vin", "dbcIdentifier"],
"query": {
"must": [
{"match": {"something": "something"}},
{"range": {"timestamp": {"%timefilter%": true}}}
} }
format: {property: "hits.hits"}
i am using vega/vega-lite for data visualization in kibana. this is my ES qeury for fetching data. it is not getting data in real time. I am not sure about the time range, it would be really helpful if someone can pointou tmy mistake.
whenever i try to uncomment %context%: true & %timefield%: timestamp it says you cannot use the feature when you have the query set.
please help guys i only want real time visualization