Export-csv doesn't work for a big size of data v7.17.0

Can you help me resolve an issue generating a CSV?

CSV download failed
We couldn't generate your CSV at this time.

For a small amount of data, it works, but when we try to download a large amount of data, I receive this error.

Can any one help me on this please?

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What do your Kibana logs show when this happens?

Thank you for your reply,
On the kibana logs we don't have any error , when we want to export a big size of data the receive a message : CSV download failed We couldn't generate your CSV at this time.

logs kibana
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2023-06-08T13:37:32+00:00","tags":["warning","plugins","reporting","csv_searchsource_immediate","csv_searchsource_immediate","execute-job"],"pid":75360,"message":"CSV may contain formulas whose values have been escaped"}

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