Extract value from message field ( runtime fields)

Hello everyone,

Currently, I have an OpenVPN log that is sent from the server to elastic... from what I see the fields are pretty generic and the most important one is "message", it has all the information and I can't parse it.

The most straightforward alternative is to go to "Index Patterns" and create a new field and then create a "runtime fields" script... but apparently, I can't find a convention to extract specific values ​​from the message field because it throws me several errors...

Does anyone have an example of something like this done and working?

I mean create a field called "test" for example and create a "runtime fields" script that extracts a value from the message field and displays it


Hi @jplopezy Welcome to the community!

The easiest way to help would be to provide a couple sample of the log lines and what you want the result to look like (in detail)

Runtime is pretty good but perhaps you should consider and ingest pipeline and parse the message field.

Provide the before (message) and after (parsed) and perhaps someone can help you.

Ok please provide a couple FULL samples in text (anonymized)... screen shot does no good...

Also I will say it again an ingest pipeline would probably put you in a better position long term (faster queries etc)

But sure you can start with a runtme but several full line in text not screen shot...

Is the message field the full above or just partial... be clear help us help you :slight_smile:

And you only want to extract the username from the these 2 logs... after the /CN=
And the rest of the logs... no user field?

2019-09-23T17:49:32+0000 [stdout#info] [OVPN 1] OUT: 'Mon Sep 23 17:49:32 2019 Hide-my-ip:7305 VERIFY OK: depth=1, /CN=OpenVPN CA'
2019-09-23T17:49:32+0000 [stdout#info] [OVPN 1] OUT: 'Mon Sep 23 17:49:32 2019 Hide-my-ip:7305 VERIFY OK: depth=0, /CN=lan-with-inet_AUTOLOGIN'

Thanks... I appreciate you patience and detail, and I am happy to provide an example / solutions, I have just learned that we will both get to and answer quicker if I have a good understanding exactly what you are looking for... your initial post was not enough detail.

To add a runtime field that you want to search on you have to add it to the mappings see here and some examples... and remember it is added as a field not to the _source so you will be able to search on it, use it in visualizations and access but it will not be in the _source json

My index is named


I indexed your data into the message field and then I added this

This is THE most Brute Force way to do this ... there are probably more elegant ways.. but as you said you just wanted and example.

This basically will parse use the grok and for the lines that do not match the username field is not created for those that do.. username will be emitted

PUT discuss-openvpn/_mappings
  "runtime": {
    "username": {
      "type": "keyword",
      "script": """
        String username=grok('%{GREEDYDATA:leading_data}/CN=%{DATA:username}\'').extract(doc["message"].value)?.username;
        if (username != null) emit(username); 

Then when I search for this and note it is in the fields not _source

GET discuss-openvpn/_search
  "fields": [
  "query": {
    "exists": {
      "field": "username"


  "took": 4,
  "timed_out": false,
  "_shards": {
    "total": 1,
    "successful": 1,
    "skipped": 0,
    "failed": 0
  "hits": {
    "total": {
      "value": 2,
      "relation": "eq"
    "max_score": 1,
    "hits": [
        "_index": "discuss-openvpn",
        "_id": "uYPrgIIBkiWX4SWKF193",
        "_score": 1,
        "_source": {
          "@timestamp": "2022-08-09T00:57:30.000Z",
          "message": "2019-09-23T17:49:32+0000 [stdout#info] [OVPN 1] OUT: 'Mon Sep 23 17:49:32 2019 Hide-my-ip:7305 VERIFY OK: depth=1, /CN=OpenVPN CA'"
        "fields": {
          "@timestamp": [
          "message": [
            "2019-09-23T17:49:32+0000 [stdout#info] [OVPN 1] OUT: 'Mon Sep 23 17:49:32 2019 Hide-my-ip:7305 VERIFY OK: depth=1, /CN=OpenVPN CA'"
          "username": [
            "OpenVPN CA"
        "_index": "discuss-openvpn",
        "_id": "u4PrgIIBkiWX4SWKoF-7",
        "_score": 1,
        "_source": {
          "@timestamp": "2022-08-09T00:57:30.000Z",
          "message": "2019-09-23T17:49:32+0000 [stdout#info] [OVPN 1] OUT: 'Mon Sep 23 17:49:32 2019 Hide-my-ip:7305 VERIFY OK: depth=0, /CN=lan-with-inet_AUTOLOGIN'"
        "fields": {
          "@timestamp": [
          "message": [
            "2019-09-23T17:49:32+0000 [stdout#info] [OVPN 1] OUT: 'Mon Sep 23 17:49:32 2019 Hide-my-ip:7305 VERIFY OK: depth=0, /CN=lan-with-inet_AUTOLOGIN'"
          "username": [

And it also shows up in Discover

The discuss-openvpn index is just my example...

You need to replace that with the actual name of your indices...

What / how are you ingesting the logs?

What version are you on?

What is the result of running

GET _cat/indices/?v


On the openvpn server I have the "elastic 7.15.1" agent installed that takes the logs from "/var/log/openvpnas.log"...

On the kibana side, I have an index called "logs-*" that shows me everything... but I wouldn't like to touch that for its integrity but I don't know how to create a new index that points to those agent logs


That is not an index... that is an index pattern,,, 2 different but related items
an index pattern is an "alias" that points to a collection of actual indices.

I am not asking you to create an index.

You asked how to create a runtime field, I am showing you... you add a runtime field TO an existing index.

Go to Kibana -> Dev Tools and run

GET _cat/indices/?v

That is a read only command... which will list the actual indices... not the index pattern.

I can also show you how to add the runtime field to the index pattern, which then the runtime field will only show in visualizations and discover that use the index pattern not searches etc as it is not actually added to the indices.... perhaps that is what you want ... instead...

There is a reason I ask a lot of question when people are just getting started :slight_smile:

So which do you want to do

a) Add a runtime field to and index ... which provides more flexibilty but involves updating / adding the runtime field to each index

b) Add the runtime field to the index-pattern logs-* so that you can see it in Discover and Visualizations and KQL but will not be available in DSL queries (detailed / low level queries)

Well I think you are trying to create a new index, not an Index API (index API is an existing set of REST interfaces as defined by Elasticsearch see here. ..

And index is the collection or logs / documents stored in elasticsearch ...that is managed via the Index APIs

So back to choice a) Does that that means you want to load the logs data into a new / different index so you can test with it? if so you have 2 choices

a1) Reload the data into a new / another index from scratch using the same method which the data was originally loaded
a2) Pick one of the actual indices and Reindex (i.e. make a copy of it) then work with that.

Which do you want? (so this is getting to be more than just show me a runtime field)

OR you can add a runtime field to an existing index which is non destructive but it does mean adding to its mapping / schema ..

So what is your next choice?

Plus you did not show me the output of which we will need if you choose a2) and really it will help overall.

Go to Kibana -> Dev Tools and run

GET _cat/indices/?v

You are mixing / not quite getting the concepts.

You are adding a runtime field to an empty index, then you are adding that empty index to an index pattern, and expecting the runtime field that is ONLY on the empty index to work on all the other indices you did not add the runtime field too ... it will not work.

So now I will be prescriptive... as you are much closer to option b so lets do that to start.

First delete the empty index you created...

DELETE openvpn-dashboard

Then delete your open Index Pattern

Then recreate and index pattern lets use logs-openvpn-* and Add Field

Then setup the runtime field

the code

String username=grok('%{GREEDYDATA:leading_data}/CN=%{DATA:username}\'').extract(doc["message"].value)?.username;
if (username != null) emit(username); 

Then Discover with your new index pattern,,,
You should see the fields

If you are going to be working with elasticsearch and kibana perhaps it would be of benefit to take some of the free training vids / webinars and or the getting started docs etc.

Perhaps Learn about Index, Index Template, Mappings, Data Streams, Data Types, Index Pattern/ Data Views etc


I remember that I tried that but there it gave me an error because of the type of format...

Where was that error on Doscover?

That is because your logs message field is a special type match_only_text that does not support grok / runtime fields... so all this is for not.. nothing I can do about that... or at least nothing obvious.

Can you show the lists of fields on your index patterns?

Not Possible, You have to do that before you index the data ... not after ... you can not change the mapping of a field i.e. the datatype after it has been indexed...

If you already have data that is indexed ... you can not change the type... period.
You can add runtime fields but they need do not operate on all types of data.

Per Here

The runtime section can be any of these data types:

  • boolean
  • composite
  • date
  • double
  • geo_point
  • ip
  • keyword
  • long
  • lookup

Do you have an event.original field in the index pattern?

Apologies I should have noticed this early on.. could have saved a lot of time... but at least you got some free training .. and we got to work together :slight_smile:

@jplopezy Look

OHHHHH i may have found a way using the _source

However, there are cases where retrieving fields from _source is necessary. For example, text fields do not have doc_values available by default, so you have to retrieve values from _source . In other instances, you might choose to disable doc_values on a specific field.

it will not be efficient and I would not recommend at scale...

Try this as the code in the runtime field

String username=grok('%{GREEDYDATA:leading_data}/CN=%{DATA:username}\'').extract(params._source.message)?.username;
if (username != null) emit(username); 
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My message field is a keyword type (think unparsed, ) versus yours which is a text type which means the message is tokenized for free text search.

These 2 types are among the 2 most fundamental concepts in Elasticsearch.

See here


I have nothing but words of thanks! At the last configuration, it worked correctly! Thank you for your help and all the time you spent helping me.

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