Failed to load plugin class [org.elasticsearch.xpack.XPackPlugin]

I use yum install elasticsearch 5.1.1 (three nodes), before install x-pack, the elasticsearch clluster correct,
but then install x-pack restrat elasticsearch all nodes failed...

[2017-01-10T15:32:40,128][INFO ][o.e.x.m.e.Exporters ] [elastic-2] skipping exporter [default_local] as it isn't ready yet
[2017-01-10T15:32:40,134][ERROR][o.e.x.m.AgentService ] [elastic-2] exception when exporting documents
org.elasticsearch.xpack.monitoring.exporter.ExportException: exporters are either not ready or faulty
at org.elasticsearch.xpack.monitoring.exporter.Exporters.export( ~[x-pack-5.1.1.jar:5.1.1]
at org.elasticsearch.xpack.monitoring.AgentService$ [x-pack-5.1.1.jar:5.1.1]
at [?:1.8.0_111]

Hi @shaonbean

Did you install X-Pack on all of your nodes?


yes ,I install x-apck on all nodes

If I remove x-pack on all nodes. then restart elasticsearch correct...

So help me..

Hi @shaonbean

Could you please shut down all nodes, and re-install x-pack on all nodes? Then please re-start the nodes.

It could be that you didn't start up the elected master node before other ones. The elected master node is the one that adds the templates to the cluster, which the rest of the local exporters wait to see before running (default_local).


Hi Bohuyun

i have tried your method, but still not work...Now,I give up install x-apck. Still want to thank you....

I am having the same error:

if I set up like this with the private ips of 3 master node: ["", "", ""]

but if I use the elb: elasticmaster-master ]""]

Then i got the error:
org.elasticsearch.xpack.monitoring.exporter.ExportException: exporters are either not ready or faulty

what do you mean shut down all the nodes, stop the elasticsearch on the node?

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