Find "star wars" when i'm looking for "starwars"


I have 200 products with the trade name "star wars" (separated by white space) but I don't get results when I'm searching "starwars" (all of it in lower case letters, not "StarWars") ?

Is there a way please ?

the only way I see to match "starwars" with "star wars", is to use the synonyms.
In that case, by simple expansion, you could have :

starwars, star wars

The expansion will add the term "starwars" to the documents with "star wars", so these documents will match searches "starwars" and "star wars".

Thank you

You may consider to include Fuzzyness, when searching. Have you tried Fuzzy-queries?

Cheers, Dominik

You should consider building an analyzer that consider that "star wars" and "starwars" are the same word by making it think that a space (\u0020) is equal to nothing.

"settings": {
    "analysis": {
      "char_filter": {
        "Char_filter_ponctuation": {
          "type": "mapping",
          "mappings": [
            "\\u0020 => ",
      "tokenizer": {
        "one_tokenizer": {
          "type": "keyword"
      "analyzer": {
        "one": {
          "tokenizer": "one_tokenizer",
          "char_filter": [

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