Fleet server is Unhealthy

Hi All,

I have a problem to setup Fleet server. When I add Fleet Server on my hosts, I notice that the node goes Offline. I checked Settings, Logs on Kibana, Logs on host, and didn't find anything strange. You can find the details in attached screenshots. Please help me to find the problem cause.
Thanks in advance.


Hi @David_Arshakyan,

Can you provide a diagnostics bundle?

Thank you for your answer @MichelLaterman. Should I send diagnostics.zip or you need log files output?

If you can share diagnostics.zip, that would be great.

Possible similar issue: Fleet Server 8.8.1 on prems boot issue - Elastic Security - Discuss the Elastic Stack

Workaround: try to restart the elastic-agent that works as the fleet server.
(systemctl restart elastic-agent)

Sorry for late reply. How can I share the zip? As I understand I can only share jpeg or png.

Thank you for your reply. I have restarted the service multiple times. But no result.

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