Getting different count on different timefields

I have data about bookings. The data has been pulled from different tables from postgresql. And I have pushed them all under the same index and type.

Now I have 6 timefields in a document.

  • booking_time
  • booking_update_time
  • booking_end_time
  • booking_rating_time
  • user_date_joined
  • user_last_activity

Here is the plotting of the following timelion expression,

.es(index='vogo-database-3', timefield='user_date_joined'), .es(index='vogo-database-3', timefield='booking_time')

The plotting is different when using different timefield.

My question is why is this happening ?

Every document is having a booking_time and user_date_joined. The booking_time is never the same for 2 bookings, but user_date_joined can be repeated if same user makes booking over and over again. But Then again, shouldn't the plotting be the same if every document has both fields ? IF no , why no then?

That's a count of events for that specific bucket/time frame. In my mind it makes sense to have more bookings instead of user joins, because users with join dates outside the time interval could have bookings made in this interval.

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Yes indeed that is true. I figured it out myself later.

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