Height 100% Custom visualization dont work (Kibana 4.5)


I'm already developing a custom visualization on Kibana 4.5.

I have a simply container like this (in the main html):

<div ng-controller="KbnLectVisController" class="lect-vis"></div>

I want my container with a width and height of 100% of the "vis-container" and i want to adapt it to the size of the screen when it changes.

My lect-vis.css has this:

.lect-vis{ width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: blue; }

The width works, but the height does not work, the height of my container is 0px in all cases.

Why does this happen?


Because it's empty and doesn't have the proper display i would guess.

Do you know how can I fix it?