Hide inaccessible menu points in Kibana left navigation bar


I created an x-pack user with no cluster permissions ('cluster privileges') but only permissions for a single index (and role kibana_user).

When the user logs in in Kibana, he can see inaccessible menu points such as 'Management'. When he e.g. navigates to 'Management' and then 'Users' he gets the message 'You do not have permission to manage users/roles. Please contact your administrator.'

How can I just hide the Kibana menu points that are inaccessible for this user?


Hi @maenu,

hiding individual menu points based on permissions is unfortunately not supported at the moment.

Hi @weltenwort

Okay, thank you anyway. However, for me it would make sense to hide the menu points where the user has no permissions.

I agree that this would be great! Please feel free to open an enhancement request in the Kibana repo to improve the chances of this being implemented. We are also happy to accept pull requests. :wink:

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