Histogram Type Support in Metrics Page

ES histogram type is now (v 7.7) supported in visualizations (https://github.com/elastic/kibana/pull/59387). Any plans to support it in the Metrics page so to be able to display percentiles for histogram fields for example?



Hi @Vladimiro,

What do you mean by Metrics page? If this is about TSVB (formerly known as metrics),
it is on the list, but there is no fixed release date yet. The issue to track if you are interested in this is https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/52426 .

Hi Joe,

Thanks for your prompt reply. I mean the page depicted in the attached screenshot.



I see, thanks for the clarification. AFAIK there is no issue to track this yet, you can create one here: https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/new?template=Feature_request.md

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