Hot-warm setup

Can I setup something like this?

3 data only node with SSD disks, hot node
node.master: false true
node.box_type: hot

3 master node with slow disk, warm node
node.master: true true
node.box_type: warm


Can I add three more nodes in mix
all of them as coordinating master only with Kibana running on them?

 node.master: false false
 node.ingest: false false
 node.voting_only: false
 cluster.remote.connect: false


setting up new cluster next week. this is what I am doing as of now

5 data only node - hot
3 master/data - warm
2 logstash only
3 coordinating with kibana

If I have logstash on network segment1
and data nodes are in different segment2.

will it cause any problem?

they are like two network hop from each other? using 10gig network connection

What sort of problem?

don't know was just asking. but from your reply it seems to be it won't be any problem

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