How can split kibana discovery log in column permanently?

Kibana Discovery logs format:

host:VM_5 source:/home/user/user.log message:smsStatus : [SENT]

But I wish log format:

host: source: message:
VM_5 /home/user/user.log smsStatus : [SENT]

You can add the columns you'd like to see in the discovery table by clicking "Add" next to a field in the field list (which is at the far left of the screen).

Yes I have done that. Its a temporary solution. cause adding columns will be vanish after closing the browser. And I have to add after opening Browser. I don't want to add columns. but discovery fields will be display columns by columns.
How can do that? I wish help of any expert


There's also an advanced setting, defaultColumns, that you can set to the columns you'd like displayed by default when you open Discover. You could set it to host,source,message.


its working well

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