How can we share kbn-top-nav when we sharing dashboard

how can we share kbn-top-nav when we sharing dashboard?
if not how can I implement it by change the source code

Hi there, you can remove the embed query parameter from the embed tag, so something like this:

<iframe src="http://localhost:5601/nei/app/kibana#/dashboard/f06234a0-a7b0-11e7-a2c5-a1621919da4c?embed=true&_g=()" height="600" width="800"></iframe>

will become this:

<iframe src="http://localhost:5601/nei/app/kibana#/dashboard/f06234a0-a7b0-11e7-a2c5-a1621919da4c?_g=()" height="600" width="800"></iframe>

However, this will embed your Dashboard with both the top nav AND the side nav, which may not be what you want. Does this help?


thanks cjcenizal, but as you say, the side nav is useless, how can we remove it

I'm afraid the functionality you're looking for doesn't exist yet. You can submit a pull request if you're interested in adding this functionality to Kibana.


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