How do i get the message field?

Hello , i am trying to get the "message" field to use it in a web site dashboard , in this example it's just the result of an ls command

How do you plan on using the message field in a dashboard?

What do you see it looking like?

I had a task wich consists on calculating the total time spent , and then send the result to the monitoring server , i can see the total time spent in kibana dashboard ( message field) , and now the dev team needs this number to use it . Now the question is how can i get this "message" from the kibana API ( or elasticksearch)

So you aren't looking to use the visualizations or dashboard within Kibana and using a custom solution (web application) and looking how to access data from an elasticsearch index?

If so, what methods are available to you? Here are the clients that can be used to extract data.

Thank you very much , that's what i was searching for

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