How export logs from Kibana 4?

When you look at the export for a table in Kibana, you're seeing what Elasticsearch returned to Kibana in answer to a specific query - Kibana can ask to get back a histogram, for example, so the export is just a dump of that summarized data that Kibana got back from a query like that.

If you're looking to actually export logs from Elasticsearch, you probably want to save them somewhere, so viewing them in the browser probably isn't the best way to view hundreds or thousands of logs. There are a couple of options here:

  • In the "Discover" tab, you can click on the arrow tab near the bottom to see the raw request and response. You could click "Request" and use that as a query to ES with curl (or something similar) to query ES for the logs you want.
  • You could use logstash or stream2es to dump out the contents of a index (with possible query parameters to get the specific documents you want.)