HOw set lemmatization in ES.Like id i search for "update" it should be searching for "updated" and "updating" too

HOw set lemmatization in ES.Like id i search for "update" it should be searching for "updated" and "updating" too.

PUT /kbs
"analysis": {

   "filter": {
              "de_stop_filter": {
  "type": "stop",
  "stopwords": ["_german_"]
"de_stem_filter": {
  "type": "stemmer",
  "name": "minimal_german"
"en_stop_filter": {
  "type": "stop",
  "stopwords": ["_english_"]
"en_stem_filter": {
  "type": "stemmer",
  "name": "minimal_english"

     "de_analyzer": {
  "type": "custom",
  "filter": [ "de_stop_filter", "de_stem_filter"],
  "tokenizer": "standard"

"en_analyzer": {
  "type": "custom",
  "filter": [ "en_stop_filter", "en_stem_filter"],
  "tokenizer": "standard"



get /kbs
PUT /kbs/orders/_mapping

    "search_analyzer" : "standard", 
    "properties" : {
        "solid" :  {"type":"integer" },
        "title": {"type": "string"},
        "AffectedReleases" : {
            "type" : "string" }



I used like trhis ,but it does not work

You need to set the analyzer in you mappings for the fields you want to use your custom analyzers. see here for more information: