Apologies I couldn't find a better category to raise this question.
I want to consider moving diagnostics indices to Elasticsearch Cloud and I can use their following link to calculate the costs of subscription. But I cannot find anywhere information on how to calculate other costs, unless they are already accommodated in this calculation?
Azure infrastructure costs?
Data transfer costs?
Snapshot storage costs?
Any other costs I am missing?
Thank you, @stephenb
It has to remain within Azure ecosystem. I could see there is 14 days free trial we could use for PoC, but I am not sure if it will provide us with any guidelines at the end, based on our traffic and volumes?
Thank you, @stephenb
With regards to the Frozen - I think it says 6.5TB with 360GB cached.
Can you elaborate on how it works, please?
I would think of the smallest Hot tear on offer (35GB) and then straight to Frozen.
The diagnostics in our case is fire and forget: we won't touch it, unless an issue with our product was identified and we need to investigate.
@stephenb may I use this opportunity and ask you to elaborate on the following, please:
Security of Elasticsearch Cloud in Azure: as it is machine to machine communication, API Keys? ClientID?
If our app is in Azure and we write the logs into Elasticsearch Cloud on Azure, do the data leave Azure's private network at any point, traveling to Elasticsearch Cloud?
A Frozen node has local SSD that acts as a cache to the data that's living in the S3 blob Storage...The SSD is provisioned at the time the frozen node is setup.. and support the S3 as it grows
At that scale you should test...
Hot -> Direct to Frozen is a completely valid architecture and is used widely.
We do no comment on that level of detail on the public forum.
I suggest you look at the following
This depends on your architecture... If you use Azure Private -Link the traffic remains within the azure network
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