How to copy from Kibana Logs easily?

I use Kibana to view the Logs, and I want to copy some lines from it. However, when copying, I get something like the following in my clipboard:

[Debug] my message
[Info] another msg

As you can see, one log becomes three lines... However, I want the copying to give me normal formats like

16:55:10.943 MyTag [Debug] my message
16:55:10.956 AnotherTag [Info] another msg

where each line of copied text is a line of log.

How can I do it? Thanks!

Hi @fzyzcjy ,

I think it has nothing to do with Kibana, but OS + terminal app you are using and it is out of scope on discuss forum.

Maybe you can check logging settings and adjust it for your need.

Regards, Dzmitry

Hi @Dzmitry

it is related to Kibana (indeed Kibana's webpage). I just copy it from Kibana's webpage in Chrome browser, not from a terminal.

@fzyzcjy can you link the page or screenshot of that Kibana page, where you are trying to copy logs from?

Thank you, Dzmitry

@Dzmitry Sure.

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