How to create a Kibana Plugin and customize it Via ReactJS? Yarn command not Working

Im new to ELK Stack, I followed all steps but unable to develop and setup Kibana Plugin. Can anyone guide me step by step on how to do it? With the latest versions. Additionally none of my yarn commands are working, be it yarn kbn bootstap or yarn install, They are full dependency issues and errors and eventually command exists.

Hi @K213151,

Welcome! I assume you've pulled the @elastic/kibana repo locally to develop your plugin. Kibana leverages React so you should be fine to create a plugin using it in the repo.

We'll need some more information to help you.

Can you confirm which version of Kibana you are looking to develop for?

What branch are you using and what command are you running? Please also share the error you are receiving too.

Let us know!