How to export search results to csv / excel?


I know, that there is the possibility to export the data of a visualization to csv / excel.
But is there also the possibility to export the data of a search? I don't find the export buttons there.

I am currently on kibana 5.1.2.

Thanks, Andreas


unfortunately that is not possible. But this feature will be added to an upcoming version of Reporting in x-pack, so that you can use it to export CSV data from Discovery.


putting such a feature to reporting is inconsistent in my point of view.

I am able to export data from a visualization, without payed xpack modules.
Now to export the raw data I need a payed xpack?

For me it has nothing to do with reporting, more with analyzing and save the results.
Reporting for me is something what is done regularly.

Please add at as normal kibana feature.

Thanks, Andreas

The reason this was added into reporting is to leverage the features of the reporting framework, like queuing, background jobs, etc.

The CSV export also is in the free version of x-pack, so you won't need any paid subscription to use this feature.

ok thanks, that satisfies me :wink:

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