Export saved search to csv in kibana oss


I am using kibana-oss: 7.0.1. I am able to export a data table visualization to csv format (using the Export Raw/Formatted option at the bottom).

I have also added a Saved Search into my dashboard but I am unable to find any option to export its results to csv. Is this functionality not available in kibana-oss and part of x-pack?

A similar question was asked in Export to csv but wanted to confirm if would be available in kibana-oss: 7.5.2/7.6.0.

Thanks in advance!

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Hello Shivani,

It looks to have been introduced in 7.3. You're welcome to double-check this PR where it was introduced to confirm this has the functionality you're looking for.


Thanks for your reply @Aaron_Caldwell.
From the PR linked here, I see the statement -
" Ensure you have xpack.reporting.csv.enablePanelActionDownload: true".

Does this mean this feature is only available in x-pack and is not part of kibana-oss?


Hi @Aaron_Caldwell,
Any thoughts?

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