I want to display bandwidth usage as on x-axis timestamp and on y-axis data usage in mbps.
I have netflow v5 data. How should I do this?
Thank you.
Is the data in Elasticsearch?
yes, data is in elasticsearch
"@timestamp": "2016-10-01T18:14:24.000Z",
"netflow": {
"version": 5,
"flow_seq_num": 122645,
"engine_type": 0,
"engine_id": 0,
"sampling_algorithm": 0,
"sampling_interval": 0,
"flow_records": 6,
"ipv4_src_addr": "",
"ipv4_dst_addr": "",
"ipv4_next_hop": "",
"input_snmp": 8,
"output_snmp": 1,
"in_pkts": 1,
"in_bytes": 64,
"first_switched": "2016-10-01T18:13:24.000Z",
"last_switched": "2016-10-01T18:14:24.000Z",
"l4_src_port": 5246,
"l4_dst_port": 80,
"tcp_flags": 0,
"protocol": 17,
"src_tos": 1,
"src_as": 20,
"dst_as": 13,
"src_mask": 32,
"dst_mask": 31
I want to add "in_bytes" received per second. And also want to edit y-axis label in kibana linechart
Ok, so have you built a line graph yet?
Yes, I have done that. But I want to display customized label on y-axis like data usage in Mbps.
How to do this?
Saurabh, Did you calculate the bandwith from 'in_bytes'?
I just sum the values from 'in_bytes', but that not the real bandwith utilization, there is more math to calculate.
If I solve it, i will publish it =)
Timelion has a function called scale_interval
which I often use to get rates per time interval.
Christian, please an example for the newbies
Something like this you mean ?
.es('Hostname:r123', metric='sum:in_bytes').scale_interval(30s) show me zero...
I want to get bytes traffic filter by host.
Assuming we have a logstash*
index patterns that contains web access logs and the size of each request is stored in a numeric field called bytes
, the following expression shows downloaded volume as MB/s: .es(index=logstash*, metric='sum:bytes').divide(1048576).scale_interval('1s').title('MB per second')
Thanks a lot !!!!
Hi Christian,
Its wonderful update but is that MB/s or MB/minute ,am confused
There seems to be a typo there and the interval should indeed be 1s
in order to get per second value. Have updated the interval as well as the title.
Gotcha Thank you for the response
One Query Christian,if I want in mbps ,can i multiply with 8
.es(index=logstash*, metric='sum:bytes').divide(1048576).scale_interval('1s').title('MB per second') ,how can use that function in this query
I guess you could divide by 131072 instead of 1048576.
Thank you