I am newbee to ES, I wanted to set default lifecycle deletion phase for filebeat and metricbeat lifecycle policy. I could see that by default the host phase already enabled in kibana. Same way i want delete phase also to be enabled soon after installation. Where should we look for ?. Is there any file to be modified ?.
Kibana -> Stack Management > Index Lifecycle Policy -> metricbeat
Manage / Edit and set the Delete Phase (or any other settings you need)
Sometimes, adding the delete phase seems hidden.
Click the trash can and you will get a Delete Phase.
That is the default ILM policy... You will need to change it after you run setup.
You can make a REST API call to update it as soon as you like ...I am not sure what you are trying to do...
BTW You are on a very very old version.
And one more thing I just thought.
Elasticsearch or Kibana do not install anything that will delete data automatically as a default.
Deleting data always requires input or change or an update from a user. That behavior is by design.
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