How to update query on multiple indexes

I have 3 indexes A, B & C i want to update on all three indexes.
However python client.update() syntax won't allow it.

query = {"doc": {"cluster":"1" }}
client.update(index=_index, id=id, body=query)

I haven't used the client but I would try a string with comma separated values.


I have tried below on kibana dashboard as well but no luck.

POST /A,B,C/_update/<id>
    "doc" : {
        "new_field" : 111

error :     "reason" : "Invalid index name [A,B,C], must not contain the following characters [ , \", *, \\, <, |, ,, >, /, ?]",
POST /pass/dl/pan/_update/<id>
    "doc" : {
        "new_field" : 111
error :  "error" : "no handler found for uri [/A/B/C/_update/<id>?pretty=true] and method [POST]"

You might need to do separate calls then to update each index at a time. I know you can do a GET on a comma separated index but it looks like you can't do a POST.

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