How to use context.panel.filters for drill down dashboard

How to use context.panel.filters for drill-down dashboard from one to another so that filters applied in the first dashboard will be applied in second and dashboard will be opened in new tab using Url drill-down.

Hi @Atul_Gunjal,

If you navigating between two dashboard it is easier to use a dashboard-to-dashboard drilldown.
Even when you use dashboard drilldown you can drilldown using a new tab.

Drilldown context menu is setup in a way that each option is a link, so you can use right click to open a system link context menu or use a middle or ctrl+left click to open in a new tab:

If this doesn't work for your, then to build a drilldown to a dashboard using a URL drilldown passing current filters:

{{kibanaUrl}}/app/dashboards#/view/474be7b0-2b35-11eb-89d9-814198119521?_g=(filters:!(),refreshInterval:(pause:!t,value:0),time:(from:now-15m,to:now))&_a=(description:'',filters:{{rison context.panel.filters }},fullScreenMode:!f,options:(hidePanelTitles:!f,useMargins:!t),query:(language:kuery,query:''),tags:!(),timeRestore:!f,title:'Logs%20per%20cluster',viewMode:view)

Where filters part is: filters:{{rison context.panel.filters }}

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Yes, I tried this and got the URL drill down to work.

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