How to use greater than operator in Json Input in Kibana visualisation to get the data which is greater than a value

My actual requirement is I would like to display the data in kibana visualisation only if the response.time is greater than 10 seconds
I've the field response.time and I am using this field to get the average response time in kibana data table visualisation.

I would like to use a greater than operator > in Json Input in kibana visualisation Data table so that it shows the data only if the response time is greater than 10 seconds.

How can we do this? if the Json Input is not appropriate way to achieve this, what are the possibilities to fix this?

It sounds like you can achieve this by adding a filter using the "Add filter" button below the search bar, then selecting response.time and is between. The filters are saved along with the visualization.

I am using Average aggregation for Y-axis and url.path for X-axis values. I've attached the screenshot as well.

So here I want to get the average response time URLs whose actual response time is greater than 10 seconds.

If I add the filter like you said, it is not giving the expected output.

OK, if I understand correctly, you want to filter the url.path buckets by the average duration? This is possible using the bucket selector aggregation ( but it's not supported at the moment in Kibana. This is the corresponding feature request:

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