I have Kibana email action being triggered as a web hook from my Elastic watcher.
The doc says markdown is supported.
I have added the following for email payload:
``"message": "New alert created for asset motor_pump_1 on channel equipment_channel_1 at 2021-06-25T19:42:02.000Z (UTC) \n \n \n### Alert Details \n \n \n- Current status: open \n- Alert level: CRITICAL \n \n \n \n \nGo to alert details \n
Broken the link??
\n", "subject": "[NEW_ALERT] Anomaly on channel for asset ID 1 and goodness channel, testing"}}"`
I need to do the following:
- Attach a logo to the email
- Use html styling, which didn't work so far. But I see that markdown supports html. Is there any other kind of declaration I have to use in email payload?