Iframe dasboard keep reload every 5 seconds

I embed dashboard in my webapp and dashboard keep reload every 5 seconds with a pink loading bar at the top of frame, every time dashboard get reload all the filters I picked before are removed like timestamp (reverted to first setting)
Here is my iframe
iframe [src]="{this.kibanaUrl}/app/dashboards#/view/${this.dashboardId}?embed=true&_g=(refreshInterval:(pause:!t,value:600000),time:(from:now-1y,to:now))&show-top-menu=false&show-query-input=true&show-time-filter=true`" height="100%" width="100%" frameBorder="0"

Hi @ThaoNguyen,

Welcome to the community! Which version of Kibana are you using?

There are a couple of issues that can cause reloading, which are discussed in this thread. Can you check your Kibana URL and Kibana settings to see if either fix works for you?

Hello Carly, I'm using v8.8.2, the reload only effect when I embed by using IFrame, when I'm using Kibana UI it's working fine

Thanks for confirming @ThaoNguyen. The above referenced thread is an example using an iframe that should give you a couple of suggestions on the settings needed to fix the reload.

Do let us know if either specifying the cookie options in your kibana.yml or amending the URL as the thread suggests helps.

Hello Carly,

In the kibana.yml file, we've already configured xpack.security.secureCookies: true and xpack.security.sameSiteCookies: None, but the issue still persists. In the user thread, there is a problem with anonymous login. Regarding my issue, the dashboard loads successfully, but it refreshes every 5 seconds and clears all the filters I had previously selected.

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