I have two json in Kibana-5.4.0
ExchangeName:BITFINEX CurrencyPair:ETHBTC MachineTime:June 1st 2017, 12:13:10.804 OrderSide:asks OrderId:2684522745 Price:0 Quantity:1 _id:AVxiZY9vwPtr8mRGYuvu _type:docs _index:time _score:1
ExchangeName:BITFINEX CurrencyPair:ETHBTC MachineTime:June 1st 2017, 12:13:10.802 OrderSide:bids OrderId:2684522971 Price:0.098 Quantity:0.613 _id:AVxiZY9vwPtr8mRGYuv3 _type:docs _index:time _score:1
I want to create two graph in one Timelion based on Orderside.like there are two orderside (asks,bids),
so i want to create one for asks and one for bids.
is it possible?How we will split?