Ingest with FSCrawler and open the file from path.real value

Hi @dadoonet, i think i will direct the question to you since this is on FSCrawler.
Am i able to set anything in the settings of FSCrawler to enable myself to be able to open the file that i ingested from the path.real or file.url variables?
story point here is i want to be able to retrieve and open the original file after i ingest with FSCrawler.

If the user can access the source file, yes.
Otherwise you need to find a way to share the file with the user and use the virtual path to link to this file.

the current links are basically just plaintext, how do i go about enabling or setting up the access to open the file? :bowing_man:

Something like:


i am seeing that kind of line

file.url file:///home/interns/Desktop/projects/codings/rsaf/docx2pdf2json2es/pdf/STA Engineering (F50) Audit Report_Annex B.pdf HShinHin

but it is just plaintext right now. what do i have to enable or code to get it clickable and open the specified file? it would not be user friendly to ask the user to copy and paste the link in the address bar :face_with_head_bandage:

There's no web interface yet for FSCrawler (it will come in the future with the connection with workplace search).
So I don't understand what your question is.

How do you display the results to the end user?

for example
file.url file:///home/interns/Desktop/projects/codings/rsaf/docx2pdf2json2es/pdf/STA Engineering (F50) Audit Report_Annex B.pdf
i want to be able to click this file path and open the file directly

Open in/from what? As I said there's no frontend in FSCrawler.

i understand that FSCrawler has no frontend. What i mean was from here

So you want to "modify" Kibana to make the link clickable because your front end is Kibana.

I know there is an option (may be in Kibana that can do it.

Or may be this:

I can't recall it though so I'd suggest that you ask in #kibana about this? Which is basically: "how to make a URL field clickable?"

thanks, i will check them out. :bowing_man:

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