Installing Phonetic on Elastic search 6.5

I did an offline installation of elastic search 6.5 on Linux (redhat) it works good, as a next step when I tried to install phonetic (analysis-phonetic) I tried all possible ways I get error

I followed the below command from the documentation

sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin install file:////opt/elasticsearch-6.5.0/

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException : Plugin [analysis-phonetic] was built for Elasticsearch version 6.5.4 but version 6.5.0 is running
at org.elasticsearch.plugins.PluginsService.verifyCompatibility (
at ....

I also tried with but the outcome is exactly the same. Have anyone tried the phonetics if so please share ....

Any help is appreciated.


You must use the exact same version for the plugin as the server.

Thank you so much it worked.

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