"is one of" filter when filtering on tooltip Map

I have a dashboard, containing a Map visualization. I can add different "tooltip fields", so I could set a filter for example, but this only contains a "is" filter. Can I set a "is one of" filter as well?

Example of such map:

My personal map contains (merged) documents from one index, and by clicking on a dot on the map I would like the option to filter on a field which contains all id's of the original documents from another index. This way another table could be filtered on a set of specific document id's.

As far as I see, I can only add textual, boolean or numeric data as tooltip, so it seems. Is there any way of adding a field to a document, so I can set it as a Tooltip field AND filter on it, but not using the "IS" filter but the "IS ONE OF" filter?

My personal map contains (merged) documents from one index, and by clicking on a dot on the map I would like the option to filter on a field which contains all id's of the original documents from another index.

How are the ids stored in the field? Is it an array of strings?

At the moment my data contains an array of values, but I cannot choose this key as a tooltip value so I can use the filter option. I can update the field to a string, seperated by commas, but Kibana would see that as a single value.

For now, the only option I see is to give the merged documents some unique value and add the same values to the separate documents in the other index, so the filter would work as expected. But that requires some work...

Can you open an enhancement request at https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/new?assignees=&labels=&template=Feature_request.md?

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I will do!

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