Is there any way to add APM services to Kibana dashboards?

Hi everyone, I want to add the graphs (transactions, metrics, cpu, memory) for each service in the above picture to Kibana without actually building new visualizations. Is that possible? Do I have to do this configuration in APM or Kibana?

I appreciate any suggestions/feedback on this issue.

If you click on one of your services in the curated APM UI you should get to the service detail page that contains such visualisations - request per minute, transaction durations and transaction list, a metrics section with cpu and memory.

In case you want to use custom dashboards instead you can check out the apm contrib repository for visualisations and dashboards.

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@simitt, thank you for this reference. It fixed my issue :slight_smile: .

Here is more detailed step:

Enter inside the link provided in the solution > Download all the JSON files depending on the version of APM you use > upload them in Kibana Saved Objects Import section (you have to import the json files one by one).

What happens is that you created objects that now have created APM visualizations which you can build an APM dashboard with.

@simitt, I couldn't find requests, cpu, and memory in the list of visualizations availble for my dashboard, could you please explain how to access them?

The apm contrib repo is meant to be a collection of code, recipes and visualizations, not necessarily maintained by the core Elastic APM team, and does not contain all the same visualizations and dashboards the curated UI offers.

Have you tried out the curated UI? It sounds like this would be exactly what you are looking for.

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@simitt, thanks for your clarification.

Could you please confirm if there is any way to have those exact visualizations in Kibana dashboards or not? I want all my dashboards in one place, so I don't want to go back and force between my Kibana dashboard and APM Curated UI.

As mentioned above the curated UI has more features than the dashboards and visualizations in the contributor repo. We don't provide any additional dashboards. But we are constantly working on adding new features to the curated UI. Can I ask about which features you are missing in the APM UI?

No feature is missing and in fact I believe the default APM UI is great and detailed for analysis purposes, but for some reason my team lead wants to have those same graphs in our Kibana dashboard along side our other graphs just for ease of access.

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