How do I add a custom dashboard with charts for latency, throughput, and transaction failure rate in APM Service?

Hello People.

The version of elk stack is 8.8.0

I want to clone chart in apm service overview (Latency, Throughput, Failed transaction rate and Time spent by span type)

Is there a way to add these metrics in a custom Kibana dashboard?
A call the Elastic API or a query of some sort?

Thank you

Hi @Mang-Joo Welcome to the community.

Just dig into the data.

You can look at the data in Discover ... but it is pretty easy to just go to Lens and Start working with the Data.

Open Lens and Create a Graph

Example one of my services... from the APM App

Here is a Lens (use the apm Data view or create one)

Note I filtered for the same service...

Or I took out the filter and put multiple services on the Viz

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Solved thanks to you.

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