The documentation on the site is not clear.
The documentation leads you around in circles. I'm trying to configure some automation to create dedicated data, coordinator, and master nodes and I'm having trouble understanding the correct configuration to use. It states in the documentation that if xpack is installed then you should follow a different set of instructions.
I wasn't sure if xpack was installed on a fresh install (through some chef automation) so I started to google "how to install xpack" and "is xpack installed by default" etc.
The documentation seems to be a bit broken:
Installing X-Packedit
By default, when you install Elasticsearch, Kibana, and Logstash, X-Pack is installed. For more information, see:
but here a bit different:
Installing X-Pack
You must install Elasticsearch and Kibana before you install X-Pack. If you plan to use the X-Pack features in Logstash, you must also install Logstash before you install X-Pack. For more information, see:
So basically I don't understand what the situation is. Should I assume xpack is installed and follow the instructions on configuring the master , data, coordination nodes from
here: Node | Elasticsearch Guide [8.11] | Elastic
here: Node | Elasticsearch Guide [8.11] | Elastic
here: Node | Elasticsearch Guide [8.11] | Elastic
or should I follow the instructions assuming the case that xpack is installed from
here: Node | Elasticsearch Guide [8.11] | Elastic
Notice there are slight differences
search.remote.connect: false is missing from master and that there are special node attributes regarding ml